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    Þekja (layer) j100v_austurland_berggrunnur_1utg_fl: Gögn sem sýnir bergrunn Austurlands. [Data showing the bedrock geology of Eastern Iceland.] Flákalag með bergrunn Austurlands. Flákarnir sýna mismunandi gerðir storkubergs ásamt sethulu. Gögn eru flokkuð eftir ÍST120:2012 staðlinum, nema þrjá fitjueigindir: myndunKodi = Heiti myndunarinnar (skammstöfun) myndunIS = Heiti myndunarinnar (á íslenskuc) myndunEN = Heiti myndunarinnart (á ensku) Nýr kóði fyrir fitjueigindi 'Tegund storkubergs' (tegStorkubergs): shra = samsett hraun, dbas = Dílabasalt, dobas = Díla- og olívínbasalt, and = Andesít. [Polygone layer of the bedrock geology of Eastern Iceland. The polygones show different classes of intrusive and extrusive rocks and the sediment cover. The data follows the ÍST120:2012 data standard with the three additional feature attributes: myndunKodi = Lithostratigraphic unit (abbreviation) myndunIS = Lithostratigraphic unit (in Icelandic) myndunEN = Lithostratigraphic unit (in English) New codes for feature attribute 'Tegund storkubergs' (tegStorkubergs) are: shra = composit lava, dbas = porphyritic lava, dobas = porphyritic and olivine basalt, and = andesite.]

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    Þekja (layer) j100v_austurland_anomaliaC5n_1utg_li: Neðri mörk segulanomalíunar Chron 5. [Lower limits of magnetic anomaly Chron 5.] Útlínan fylgir efstu hraunum Grjótárólivínbasaltsyrpunnar. [The line follows the uppermost lava flows of Grjótá olivine basalt group.]

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    The European Urban Atlas provides reliable, inter-comparable, high-resolution land use and land cover data for 800 Functional Urban Area (FUA) for the 2012 reference year in EEA39 countries. The spatial data can be downloaded together with a map for each FUA covered and a report with the metadata for the respective area. Additional information (product description, mapping guidance and class description) can be found here: Commission Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy and the Directorate-General for Enterprise and Industry in the frame of the EU Copernicus programme, with the support of the European Space Agency and the European Environment Agency.

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    Þekja [layer] j100v_vesturgosbelti_berggrunnur_1utg_li: Línur sýna viss og óviss mörk berggrunns og hraunjaðars ásamt hrauntröðum. [Lines showing certain and uncertain boundaries of bedrock and borders of lava fields, including lava channels.] Mörk tilheyra flákagögnum 'ni_j100v Berggrunnur á Vesturgosbelti – 1:100.000' (þekja j100v_vesturgosbelti_berggrunnur_1utg_fl). Nýr kóði fyrir fitjueigindina 'Jarðmyndun og landmótun lausra jarðefna' (jardmLandmJardefna): hram05 = hrauntröð brún. [Boundaries follow the polygon data 'ni_j100v Berggrunnur á Vesturgosbelti – 1:100.000' (layer j100v_vesturgosbelti_berggrunnur_1utg_fl). New code for feature attribute 'Jarðmyndun og landmótun lausra jarðefna' (jardmLandmJardefna): hram05 = lava channel edge.]

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    Útlínur dregnar eftir uppréttum loftmyndum frá Loftmyndum ehf. og einnig eftir Landsat 8 gervihnattamyndum á nokkrum stöðum.

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    Útlínur hnitaðar af AMS kortum bandaríska hersins sem byggja á loftmyndum frá árunum 1945 og 1946. Útlínurnar hafa verið uppfærðar á nokkrum stöðum með skönnuðum, uppréttum loftmyndum úr safni Landmælinga Íslands.

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    Þekja (layer) j100v_austurland_skridur_1utg_li: Lagið sýnir útlínur stærstu framhlaupa á svæðinu. [The layer shows the outlines of the largest landslides of the area.]

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    Þekja [layer] j100v_vesturgosbelti_hoggun_1utg_li: Höggun á Vesturgosbelti Íslands, línulag. [Tectonic of the Western Volcanic Zone Icelands, line features.] Gögn sýna sprungur, misgengi, gjár, mislægi og brotalínur, kortlagt í mkv. 1:100.000. [Tectonic line features such as faults, fractures, fissures, unconformity, and fracture lines mapped at 1:100,000 scale.]

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    Þekja [layer] j100v_vesturgosbelti_jardgrunnur_1utg_li: Jarðgrunnsgögn af Vesturgosbelti Íslands, línulag. [Surface deposits of the Western Volcanic Zone of Iceland, line data.] Kortlagðar eru setmyndanir á yfirborði, s.s. jökulgarðar og jökulset. Nýr kóði fyrir fitjueigindina 'Jarðmyndun og landmótun lausra jarðefna' (jardmLandmJardefna): jm08 = ummerki jökuljaðars. [Mapped surface deposits of moraines and glacial sediments. New code for feature attribute 'Jarðmyndun og landmótun lausra jarðefna' (jardmLandmJardefna): jm08 = traces of ice margin.]

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    Riparian zones represent transitional areas occurring between land and freshwater ecosystems, characterised by distinctive hydrology, soil and biotic conditions and strongly influenced by the stream water. They provide a wide range of riparian functions (e.g. chemical filtration, flood control, bank stabilization, aquatic life and riparian wildlife support, etc.) and ecosystem services. The Riparian Zones products will support the objectives of several European legal acts and policy initiatives, such as the EU Biodiversity Strategy to 2020, the Habitats and Birds Directives and the Water Framework Directive. Land Cover/Land Use (LC/LU) classification is tailored to the needs of biodiversity monitoring in a tailored buffer zone along large and medium-sized European rivers (with Strahler levels 3-8 derived from EU-Hydro). LC/LU is extracted from VHR satellite data and other available data in a buffer zone of selected rivers. The classes follow the pre-defined nomenclature on the basis of MAES typology of ecosystems (Level 1 to Level 4) and Corine Land Cover, providing 80 distinct thematic classes with a Minimum Mapping Unit (MMU) of 0.5 ha and a Minimum Mapping Width (MMW) of 10 m. The production of the Riparian Zones products was coordinated by the European Environment Agency in the frame of the EU Copernicus programme.