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    ELF Transport Networks (TN) Iceland is one of 12 themes in the European Location Project (ELF). The purpose of ELF is to create harmonised cross-border, cross-theme and cross-resolution pan-European reference data from national contributions. The goal is to provide INSPIRE-compliant data for Europe. A description of the ELF (European Location Project) is here: The transport layer contains both line and polygons. The linelayer shows the transport network but the polygon layer contains the airports. Encoding: INSPIRE version 4

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    Abstract is not available in english

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    Niðurhalsþjónustur í samræmi við INSPIRE tilskipunina og grunngerð landupplýsinga

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    Vegagerðin heldur skrá í stafrænum kortagrunni um vegi í náttúru Íslands, öðrum en þjóðvegum, þar sem umferð vélknúinna ökutækja er heimil, sbr. 2. mgr. 7. gr. vegalaga, nr. 80/2007. Skipulagsstofnun sér til þess að Vegagerðinni berist upplýsingar um vegi í viðkomandi sveitarfélagi til skráningar og birtingar. Nánari upplýsingar um vegi náttúru Íslands má finna í lögum nr. 60/2013 um náttúruvernd (, í reglugerð nr. 260/2018 um vegi í náttúru Íslands ( og í leiðbeiningum Skipulagsstofnunar „Vegir í náttúru Ísland - um gerð vegaskráar og högun og skil á gögnun“ (“

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    Vatnajökull National Park was founded on June 7th 2008, although the act on Vatnajökull National Park was entered into force on May 1st 2007. It is the largest national park in Iceland by far, 14,967 km2. Vatnajökull National Park was inscribed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site on July 5th 2019. The boundary of Vatnajökull National Park, after its latest expansion on September 22nd 2021. The boundary is drawn in accordance to regulation on Vatnajökull National Park, No 300/2020, with later amendments. Disclaimer: If there is a difference between the data and the regulation text, then the regulation text applies. The data also includes all previous boundaries of the national park as well as current boundaries of operating areas.

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    Vegagerðin rekur umferðarteljara víða um land sem telja ökutæki samfellt alla daga ársins og upplýsingar frá meira en helmingi þeirra berast sjálfvirkt til Vegagerðarinnar og eru þær upplýsingar aðgengilegar í þessari þjónustu. Umferðargreinar mæla fjölda ökutækja en auk þess mæla þeir t.d. hraða ökutækja. Aðrir umferðarteljarar skrá eingöngu fjölda ökutækja. Slíkir teljarar eru tengdir flestum veðurstöðvum auk nokkurra sem standa sér. Upplýsingar úr umferðargreinum og umferðarteljurum sem eru tengdir veðurstöðvum eru sóttar að jafnaði nokkrum sinnum á klukkustund, en upplýsingar frá teljurum sem ekki eru tengdir veðurstöðvum, berast Vegagerðinni sjaldnar.

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    EuroRegionalMap is a Pan-European multi-functional topographic vector dataset at scale 1: 250000, that is seamless and harmonized across boundaries. It is produced in cooperation with the National Mapping Agencies of the participating countries using official national databases. The dataset covers 36 countries and is designed for business use. It enables you to process comprehensive spatial analysis. Transport and water networks have full connectivity and administrative boundaries are topologically consistent. The National Database (IS 50V at 1:50 000 was used to update the datasets. There are some natural deviations from ERM topology rules and feature selection criteria for Icelandic ERM data.

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    Skoðunarþjónustur í samræmi við INSPIRE tilskipunina og lög um grunngerð fyrir stafrænar landupplýsingar