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    Gagnasafn (GDB) NI_J600v_bergradir_ISN93_1.utg: NI_J600v Bergraðir Íslands – 1:600.000 [NI_J600v Igneous rock series of Iceland – 1:600.000]. Kort af þremur bergröðum Íslands. Kortið sýnir virk gosbelti á Íslandi og landgrunni þess á nútíma og síðjökultíma, virk eldstöðvakerfi á nútíma, útbreiðslu gosstöðva og samsetningu gosbergs (flákalag). Staðsetning megineldstöðva er einnig sýnd (punktalag). Gerður er greinarmunur á þóleiískum, alkalískum og millibergskerfum. [The map of the three igneous rock series of Iceland at a scale of 1:600.000 shows the volcanic zones active in Iceland and its insular shelf during the Holocene and Late Pleistocene, volcanic systems active during the Holocene, the distribution of eruption sites and chemical composition of erupted rocks (polygon layer). The position of central volcanoes is also shown (point layer). Tholeiitic, alkalic and transitional alkalic volcanic systems are differentiated.]