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    Þekjur (layers) n25v_gigarNutima_li og n25v_gigarNutima_fl: Eldvörp (gígar) og gervigígar sem myndast hafa eftir að jökull hvarf af landinu á síðjökultíma. (Volcanic craters and rootless vents formed after last Iceage [12.000 years ago].) Eldvörp og gervigígar sem myndast hafa eftir að jökull hvarf af landinu á síðjökultíma njóta sérstakrar verndar samkvæmt 61 gr. í lögum um náttúruvernd. Náttúrufræðistofnun Íslands heldur skrá yfir þessi náttúrufyrirbæri og birtir í kortasjá sem jafnframt er viðauki við náttúruminjaskrá. Heimildaskrá fylgir (n25v_gigarOgHraunNutima_heimildir).

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    Þekja [layer] j100v_vesturgosbelti_gigar_1utg_fl: Gígar frá nútíma og hlýskeiðum ísaldar. [Holocene and interglacial lava craters.] Gígar frá nútíma og hlýskeiðum ísaldar. Gígar eru gjall- eða kleppragígar. [Holocene and interglacial lava craters. Craters may be spatter, scoria or tuff cones.]

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    Þekja [layer] j100v_vesturgosbelti_gigar_1utg_p: Gervigígar, punktalag. [Rootless cones, point data.]

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    Ramsarsvæði eru votlendissvæði í heiminum sem njóta sérstakrar verndar.

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    Þekja (layer) j100v_austurland_gigar_1utg_li: Útlínur öskjurima útkulnaðra megineldsstöðva. [Outlines of calderas of extinct volcanos.] Útlínur miða við höggun, dreifingu þursabergs og móbergsmyndana. [The lines are based on local tectonics, distribution of agglomerates and hyaloclastites.]

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    Íslensk útgáfa er í vinnslu. This dataset encapsulates a detailed inventory of power plant proposals submitted to Orkustofnun as part of an ongoing energy development project. It encompasses an array of power plant options including wind, geothermal, and hydro energy facilities. The data is meticulously compiled from submitted reports and supplementary data provided by developers to Orkustofnun. It features essential attributes such as the construction area, impact zones represented by buffer rings, and specific details like wind turbine configurations for wind energy proposals. Each entry in the dataset corresponds to a power plant proposal and includes attributes like Ramma ID number, name, developer, estimated power, energy type, efficiency class, URL link to the report, date of application, source of vectorization, and the current status of the proposal (e.g., under consideration, submitted/defined). The main information layer mirrors the structured table presented on the Orkustofnun website, ensuring a coherent and systematic presentation of data for thorough evaluation and public discourse. The data will be soon available as WMS service.

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    Gögnin innihalda skiptingu landsins í heilbrigðiseftirlit. Skv 45. grein laga 7/1998 hefur Umhverfisstofnun umsagnarvald varðandi mörk eftirlitssvæða.

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    Þekja [layer] j100v_vesturgosbelti_berggrunnurNidurfoll_1utg_fl: Niðurföll í nútímahraunum. [Collapse pits in Holocene lavas.}

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    Þekja (layer) j100v_austurland_steingervingar_1utg_p: Fundarstaðir steingervinga. [Locations with fossils.] Fundarstaðir steingervinga, einkum plöntusteingervinga eða surtabrands. [Location with fossils, exclusvely plant fossils or lignite deposits.]

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    Land og skógur, skoðunarþjónustur (áður Skógræktin).