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  • The European Space Agency (ESA) is an intergovernmental organization dedicated to the exploration of space and the advancement of space science and technology. Established in 1975 and headquartered in Paris, France, ESA operates in collaboration with its 22 member states to conduct space missions, develop satellite systems, and foster international cooperation in space research and exploration. ESA's activities span a wide range of areas, including Earth observation, space science, human spaceflight, satellite navigation, and telecommunications. One of ESA's primary objectives is to collect and analyze data from space to better understand Earth's environment, climate, and natural phenomena. Through its Earth observation programs, such as the Copernicus program, ESA operates a fleet of satellites that monitor the planet's land, oceans, atmosphere, and cryosphere. These satellites collect a wealth of data on topics like sea level rise, deforestation, air quality, and natural disasters, providing valuable information for environmental monitoring, disaster response, and scientific research. In addition to Earth observation, ESA conducts space science missions to study the cosmos and unravel the mysteries of the universe. From missions to explore distant planets and asteroids to observatories studying the origins of the universe, ESA's space science endeavors produce vast amounts of data on celestial bodies, cosmic phenomena, and the fundamental laws of physics. To disseminate the data collected from its missions and satellite systems, ESA employs various channels and platforms. ESA operates data archives and repositories where researchers and the public can access raw and processed data from space missions and Earth observation satellites. Additionally, ESA collaborates with national space agencies, research institutions, and international organizations to share data and promote scientific collaboration. Through online portals, data hubs, and dedicated data access platforms, ESA provides easy and open access to its vast repository of space data, empowering scientists, policymakers, and citizens to explore and utilize space-derived information for scientific research, innovation, and societal benefit. This page contains a quick reference how to access and find ESA datasets and services.

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    Skoðunarþjónustur í samræmi við INSPIRE tilskipunina og lög um grunngerð fyrir stafrænar landupplýsingar

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    Þekja [layer] j100v_vesturgosbelti_jardgrunnur_1utg_p: Jökulrákir á Vesturgosbelti Íslands. [Glacial striations of the Western Volcanic Zone of Iceland.] Gögn eru flokkuð eftir ÍST120:2012 staðlinum, nema fitjueigindir: jokulrakastefna: stefna jökulráka er mæld í kortlagningu og sýnir skriðstefnu jökuls. aldur: ef fleiri en ein stefna er á rákunum er metinn afstæður aldur: yngri, aldur og aldur02. [The data follows the ÍST120:2012 data standard with these additional feature attributes: jokulrakastefna: indicates the direction of striations found during mapping. aldur: if more than one set of striations is found this indicates the relative age: yngri (younger), aldur (older), and aldur02 (oldest, if 3 sets are present).]

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    Svæða-, staðar- og farvegaskipting fyrir ofanflóð í samræmi við ofanflóðaskráningarkerfi Veðurstofu Íslands. Um er að ræða stigskiptingu (hierarchy) þar sem landinu er skipt niður í staði, hverjum stað svo niður í svæði og innan svæða eru svo afmarkaðir algengir farvegir ofanflóða.

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    Valdar breytur úr Manntalinu 2021 eru teknar saman fyrir 1 km² reiti í Reitakerfi Íslands. Breyturnar eru valdar samkvæmt Reglugerð ESB nr. 1799/2018. Öllum eru heimil afnot af efni Hagstofunnar en geta skal heimildar. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Selected characteristics from the Icelandic Population and Housing Census 2021 presented in the Inspire compatible Icelandic Grid System (1 km²). The breakdowns are in line with the Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018/1799 of 21 November 2018 on the establishment of a temporary direct statistical action for the dissemination of selected topics of the 2021 population and housing census geocoded to a 1 km² grid (OJ L 296/19, 22.11.2018). Please quote the source.

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    IS: Í Minjavefsjánni er að finna upplýsingar um menningarminjar á Íslandi. EN: Minjavefsjá - Cultural and Archeological Heritage Map serves as a digital platform for accessing and exploring cultural heritage information and resources related to Iceland's history, archaeology, architecture, art, folklore, and other aspects of cultural heritage. It provides a valuable tool to disseminate information and location of protected archeological sites, preserved historical houses, archeological monuments, location of current archeological research and operations and much more.

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    Unnið er að samantekt um skurðakortlagninguna þar sem gerð verður grein fyrir markmiðum, grunnmyndum, aðferðum og niðurstöðum. Samantektin verður birt í riti LbhÍ. Mælikvarði / Appropriate scale 1:2000 - 1:5000 Summary for the ditchmap will be prepared as a LbhÍ report.

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    Fráveituvatn er í eðli sínu notað vatn. Vatn sem við höfum nýtt til að baða okkur, elda mat, sturta niður í klósettin, þvo bíla, föt og ýmislegt annað. Notkunin veldur því að allskonar efni s.s. úrgangur frá fólki, matarleifar, olíur, sápur, hreinsiefni, málmar og jafnvel hættuleg efni blandast í annars hreint vatn. - Fráveituvatn getur verið mengunarvaldur en góð hreinsun getur dregið verulega úr neikvæðum áhrifum þess: - Úrgangur frá fólki er saurmengaður lífrænn úrgangur sem inniheldur bæði áburðarefni og mikið magn örvera og sýkla. - Í fráveituna berst ýmis úrgangur t.d. af yfirborði gatna og rusl (blautklútar, tannþráður o.fl.) sem er hent í í salerni. - Ýmis hættuleg efni s.s. úr hreinsiefnum, eldtefjandi efni og skordýraeitur geta fundist í fráveituvatni. - Mikið magn af næringarefnum (fosfór og köfnunarefni) í skólpi getur valdið ofauðgun eða aukinni framleiðslu þörunga (þörungablóma) sem getur leitt til skorts á súrefni í vatninu. Slíkt hefur neikvæð áhrif á staðbundið vatnalíf og getur valdið dauða ýmissa lífvera. - Fráveituvatn mengað af lyfjaleifum getur haft neikvæð áhrif á dýr, eins og fjölgun og hegðun þeirra. Losun sýklalyfja í skólpi eykur þróun lyfjaónæmis hjá bakteríum í umhverfinu. Best er að draga eins og hægt er úr allri efnanotkun og sturta ekki efnum í klósett og niðurföll heldur fara með þau til móttökuaðila slíks úrgangs.

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    Skoðunarþjónustur Veðurstofu Íslands.

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    Þekja [layer] j100v_vesturgosbelti_jardgrunnur_1utg_fl: Jarðgrunnsgögn af Vesturgosbelti Íslands. [Surface deposits of the Western Volcanic Zone of Iceland.] Laus setlög, svo sem jökulgarðar og árset. [Unconsolidated sediments including glacial morianes and river sediments.]