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    Corine Land Cover (CLC) 2012 and CLC change 2006-2012 are two of the datasets produced within the frame of the Initial Operations of the Copernicus programme (the European Earth monitoring programme previously known as GMES) on land monitoring.Corine Land Cover (CLC) provides consistent information on land cover and land cover changes across Europe. This inventory was initiated in 1985 (reference year 1990) and established a time series of land cover information with updates in 2000, 2006 and 2012 being the last one. CLC products are based on photointerpretation of satellite images by national teams of participating countries - the EEA member and cooperating countries – following a standard methodology and nomenclature with the following base parameters: 44 classes in the hierarchical three level Corine nomenclature; minimum mapping unit (MMU) for status layers is 25 hectares; minimum width of linear elements is 100 metres; minimum mapping unit (MMU) for Land Cover Changes (LCC) for the change layers is 5 hectares. The resulting national land cover inventories are further integrated into a seamless land cover map of Europe. Land cover and land use (LCLU) information is important not only for land change research, but also more broadly for the monitoring of environmental change, policy support, the creation of environmental indicators and reporting. CLC datasets provide important datasets supporting the implementation of key priority areas of the Environment Action Programmes of the European Union as protecting ecosystems, halting the loss of biological diversity, tracking the impacts of climate change, assessing developments in agriculture and implementing the EU Water Framework Directive, among others.More about the Corine Land Cover (CLC) and Copernicus land monitoring data in general can be found at http://land.copernicus.eu/.

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    Skoðunarþjónustur Landhelgisgæslu Íslands

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    Skoðunarþjónustur í samræmi við INSPIRE tilskipunina og lög um grunngerð fyrir stafrænar landupplýsingar

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    Gagnasafn (GDB) NI_G1v_lupina_3.utg: Útbreiðsla alaskalúpínu á Íslandi, 3. útgáfa. [Nootka lupin coverage of Iceland, 3rd edition.] Endurskoðað kortlagningu á útbreiðslu alaskalúpínu á landinu, flákalag. Alaskalúpína (Lupinus nootkatensis), sem skilgreind er sem ágeng, framandi plöntutegund hér á landi, er orðin mjög útbreidd og þekur víða stór svæði. Hún veldur miklum breytingum á náttúrufari þar sem hún breiðist um.

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    The Corine Land Cover datasets CLC2000, CLC2006and CLC change 2000-2006 are produced within the frame of the GMES land monitoringproject.Corine Land Cover (CLC) provides consistent information on land cover and land cover changes across Europe. This inventory was initiated in 1985 (reference year 1990) and established a time series of land cover information with updates in 2000 and 2006.CLC products are based on photointerpretation of satellite images by national teams of participating countries - the EEA member and cooperating countries – following a standard methodology and nomenclature with the following base parameters: 44 classes in the hierarchical three level Corine nomenclature; minimum mapping unit (MMU) for status layers is 25 hectares; minimum width of linear elements is 100 metres; minimum mapping unit (MMU) for Land Cover Changes (LCC) for the change layers is 5 hectares. The resulting national land cover inventories are further integrated into a seamless land cover map of Europe.Land cover and land use (LCLU) information is important not only for land change research, but also more broadly for the monitoring of environmental change, policy support, the creation of environmental indicators and reporting. CLC datasets provide important datasets supporting the implementation of key priority areas of the Environment Action Programmes of the European Union as protecting ecosystems, halting the loss of biological diversity, tracking the impacts of climate change, assessing developments in agriculture and implementing the EU Water Framework Directive, among others.More about the Corine Land Cover (CLC) and Copernicus land monitoring data in general can be found at http://land.copernicus.eu/.

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    Gagnasafn (GDB) NI_D25v_selalaturVidStrendurIslands_2.utg.: Útbreiðsla landsela (Phoca vitulina) og talningagögn 1980-2018. Útbreiðsla útsela (Halichoerus grypus) og talningagögn 1982-2017. [Seal haul-outs around Iceland]. Fjögur flákalög sem sýna kortlagningu 430 landselslátra á 93 talningasvæðum (ni_d25v_landselir_1980_2018_selalatur_fl, ni_d25v_landselir_1980_2018_talningarsvaedi_fl) og 86 útselslátra á 19 talningasvæðum (ni_d25v_utselir_1982_2017_selalautur_fl, ni_d25v_utselir_1982_2017_talningarsvaedi_fl). Talningagögn segja til um fjölda sela á hverju talningasvæði. Selir eru taldir á nokkurra ára fresti og gefur ágæta mynd af breytingum í stofnstærð og umfangi selalátra. Landselir eru taldir síðsumars en útselir að hausti. Nánari skýringar á aðferðum við selatalningar og stofnmat er að finna í Fjölriti 56. Látur eru strandsvæði sem selir leita á til að kæpa, sinna uppeldi kópa, hafa feldskipti og hvílast. Orðið selalátur vísar hér til smæstu samfelldu spildanna þar sem selir halda til. Talningasvæði er aftur á móti víðtækara safnheiti sem oftast nær yfir mörg smærri selalátur. Nákvæmni kortlagningu selalátra miðast við mælikvarða 1:25.000, en nákvæmni talningasvæða er um 1:250.000. [General overview of the seal haul-out locations around Iceland for harbour seals (Phoca vitulina) and grey seals (Halichoerus grypus). The harbour seal population has been monitored with direct counts (aerial censuses) since 1980 and the grey seal population since 1982. Both feature classes 'latur' show the haul-outs (Icelandic: látur) for each species. The haul-outs are grouped into counting zones (Icelandic: talningarsvæði) and both feature classes 'talningarsvaedi' show the associated population counts.] .

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    Vinsamlega hafið samband við Hafrannsóknastofnun vegna nánanri upplýsinga.

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    Vinsamlega hafið samband við Fiskistofu vegna nánari upplýsinga.

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    Eitt af markmiðum Hafrannsóknastofnar er að afla þekkingar um eðlis- og efnafræðilega eiginleika sjávar umhverfis Ísland, einkum með tilliti til áhrifa á lífríkið. Sjórannsóknir er samheiti rannsókna af þessu tagi og mörg verkefni miða að þessari þekkingaröflun. Til þeirra teljast ýmis verkefni sem eru nokkurs konar vöktun á Íslandsmiðum.

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    Vinsamlega hafið samband við Fiskistofu vegna nánari upplýsinga.